Lodging a Formal Claim for mis-selling of French Leaseback Property

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Lodging a Formal Claim for mis-selling of French Leaseback Property

Hi All

As well as having lodged a legal case in France in 2014 against various parties, I have ths evening lodged a formal complaint with the Irish Competition and Consumer Protection Commission (CCPC). Its easily done by going on to its website and/or writing a formal letter which is what I have done.  

The tide is well and truly turning in this debacle  as many of you are aware with high level political involvement now occurring in both Ireland and the UK alongside the EU Commission.  

Oustanding work is being done.

A clear message is now being sent out that the French authorities are continuing to try and down play  what has happened here and are demanding to see individual complaints rather than look at this whole scandal in the round (up until now at least).

My guess is that there are thousands of affected leaseback owners and that this has the potential to be a huge political story in France & Europe as a whole once its fully exposed. By doing this, we all have the best opportunity, I would feel, to obtain both justice and closure which I suspect are of equal importance to most of us.

Link address below which can be copies & pasted into your browser and also gives information on the relevant bodies to complain to in Ireland, the UK & further afield. 



Hi all,   

all the great work continues with this mis-selling petition as indicated by news piece on this mornings primetime Irish Radio (RTE) show called - Morning Ireland.

The news piece can be listened to on the following link:






I think what everyone has to realise is the length of time it may take the EU Commission to rule on this issue. Also the French Government may or may not act on any ruling. So anyone out there who is hoping for a quick fix is going to be sadly disappointed.

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