Convocation Assemblee Generale

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Convocation Assemblee Generale

Has anyone ever attended an Assemblee Generale.I presume all business is conducted in French.Do many overseas owners actually attend.I just wondered as I am considering attending one next month,just to make contact with some other owners in my development.

Yes AGM is in French, but depending on who and how many are present, someone might be able to speak some English. There are several matters that need to be voted on at the AGM - eg approving accounts put forward by Syndic and other matters regarding the property. As an owner you should be having your say in these matters.

For many years I never bothered with AGM or any other matter - as long as I received my rent each quarter, I was happy. Only when we had serious problems at our leaseback did I start getting involved and now the majority of owners are in email contact and we have a say over everything that now happens. We even changed our Syndic as previous one was not doing a good job - and charging us a lot of money to do nothing!

It's certainly a good idea to try and establish contact with other owners - and get their email addresses. You never know in the future when you will need to liaise with them.

It will also give you a chance to see the property and how it is being maintained and if you are not happy with anything, you can bring it up with the Syndic while you are there.

Good luck.

Zamboni,Thanks for your reply.Like you,I have never gone to an AGM,but now there are issues over extra charges for major repairs to the swimming pool and other areas in the complex.I feel that I should meet other owners in case there are any problems later on.