Rent returns

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Rent returns

What percentage rate of return is currently being offered on new leaseback schemes?

Could owners of leasebacks please advise what percentage returns they are currently receiving and which index (Cost of Construction for example) is being used. Many thanks.

Ann & Paul

Forget it,You can get 7.05% with Stroud & Swindon for a year,gauranteed.No hassle.


Will my capital sum invested also increase at the same time as receiving 7.05% interest and can I take a Euro mortgage out in order to invest money with the Stroud & Swindon?

As I asked above, could OWNERS of leaseback properties advise what percentage increases in rent they are receiving (if any) and which index (Cost of Construction for example) is being used.

Thank you.


no,but £100,000 invested at 7% would by year 10 be £196,715.No default or late rents,no co-op fees,no management hassels,no accounts fees and demands for tax an T.V licence from french Authorties.

In my leaseback in the cote d'zur the rent increased after 3 years by 41 euros per qtr in line wiyh insee index.As you can see if we project that forward by 3 to the first lease renewal period the % yield is not very attractive to an investor(based on the above example).


In theory my lease provides a rental return of 5% gross and a rent review every 3 years in line with the INSEE construction cost index. However I am now being asked to agree to capping each 3 year rent revision to a max of 4.5% due to the INSEE rising beyond expected levels.