french solutions Barclays France

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french solutions Barclays France

My husband and I bought a small studio apartment in Torcy near Paris in May The rents are now being deposited in Barclays bank France in The France Solutions scheme. However, although we have a permanent deposit of over 3000 euros in the bank , we are being charged 50 euros a quarter for banking services and the bank is doing nothing for us. We have no mortgage payments as we paid for the appartment outright . We haven’t even drawn any money out just deposited money.

The rent we get is not high anyway and with the bank charges and other charges from the Developer for general charges costs it makes it even less. As we are living in Britain can you advice whether French Solutions is the Best scheme for us or would you recommend a different account.

My husband and I were given credit cards which as yet we have not used . I understand that if we were drawing out in pounds the bank would charge us for that. Does anyone know the cost of these charges. As stated in another thread I am still awaiting my TVA refund. However when this refund comes through I would wish to transfer the money to my British bank account. Can anyone advise me on the most cost effective way of doing this.

anna smith

Barclays Nice are a bloody nightmare. They must either change their attitudes or I seriously recommend not using them - they are costing me thousands by screwing me on an interest rate fix because it for an existing mortgage and not a new one. Also, they like adding charges like this FranceSolution or as I call it, ScrewTheForeigners.

UCB seem very good, English staffed to speak on same wavelenght.


Do you pay Taxe Professionnelle on you property. I have a leaseback in Paris an have been paying this tax for 2 years
