Anyone get sold their leaseback through Assetz UK?

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Anyone get sold their leaseback through Assetz UK?

Hi all,

I bought my property in Les Deux Alpes back in 2006 and dealt with this through a UK agency the details of which I no longer have and surprisingly (or not) they dont seem to exist any more. Did anyone else buy from this agency and if so would you have any details on them? I need this info to submit my complaint to CPCC.

Thanks in advance all,



Hi Martina

We purchased our property through Assetz France and they also arranged our mortgage through their division Assetz Finance.  You are correct they seem to have shut the France division probably saw problems looming.  However all the Assetz companies are divisions of Assetz International Limited, Assetz House, Newby Road, Hazel Grove, Stockport, Cheshire, SK7 5DA, which is still in operation.  




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