Adding sons to french property deeds

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Adding sons to french property deeds

Would anyone know if it is possible to add our two sons to our french leaseback property deeds? Would it be cost effective?

Would it save hassle when we die? Or would we be creating further problems? We have included our sons in our UK will, 

so we believe this to be sufficient. Any advice would be most welcome....Thank you in advance


From what I know of French law,  there should  be no problem doing what you want. Just have the Notaire preparing your Deed to put the name(s) of whoever you want. The other way is to make a Testament/Will in France regarding who should inherit your properties in France. Then deposit it with a Notaire. In either Case, the cost should be minimal. Do consult a Notaire on how best to do it. Good luck.


If you want to add your sons on the property you will have to donate a share to your sons and there a "Donation" would have to be organised and of course there will be costs and charges to be paid to the Notary. 

The other solution is to sale shares but there will be costs again. 

As of today the UK Wills are recognised by the French Notaries and therefore they will respect your demands but a succession will have to be done in France if something happens to you. Of course again there will be costs in France to organise the deeds of succession. (Following the Brexit, this may change). 



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